performance art

Who is OBLSK?


OBLSK consists of a team of imaginative artists, inventors, and designers who come together to create engaging interactive installations, finely crafted imagery, and powerful multi-sensory experiences. Our team is highly talented in several fields and we excel at creating beautiful pieces of work.

The Co-Founders of OBLSK, Eve Warnock and Pelham Johnson, are a great team. Pelham has a background in filmmaker and has been the heading the projection mapping projects that have become one of OBLSK’s trademarks. Eve’s background in performance art, textiles, and film has weaved together the rest of the team by bringing unconventional and innovative ideas to life. They both have a strong love for working collaboratively to create finely crafted moving art and media that tells a story with a purpose.

Our areas of expertise include video production, large-scale projection mapping, interactive electronic and mechanical engineering, visual design, costume and set design, brand development, and more. We collaborate with clients ready to pioneer new ways of engaging their audience; creative-minded organizations interested in developing their brand using art and technology.

Stay tuned to see what we do next!!!

A Storm is Coming with RainCloud

RainCloud is gearing up for a party!!

RainCloud is gearing up for a party!!



Come see RainCloud for yourself this weekend, September 16-17, at the final Independent's Day Festival (IDX) in downtown Columbus. Check out the map of all the fun activities below and where RainCloud is located (aka the Cloud Feature).

Schedule for IDX - 

Saturday - 12:00pm-11:45pm

Sunday - 12:00pm-8:00pm

H2OHIO: Ohio's Freshwater on a Global Scale Panel - 

Saturday - 1:oopm under the RainCloud

Empathy Eyeball performance by Pilgrim Heidi of OpenHeartCreatures-

Saturday - 8:00pm under the RainCloud


Daytime View.jpg

RainCloud is a floating augmented high-tech installation as well as a symbol of the natural environment; a reminder of the simple beauty found in our atmosphere and the never-ending cycle of water between ground and sky.

This simulated cloud floats 18 feet from the ground in an outdoor environment, and is illuminated from within using RGB LED lights. During the day, it  shimmers due to the reflective, iridescent qualities of its outer skin while at night it glows equally as brilliant by using artificial light. Glowing from within, the RainCloud changes color based on interaction from the audience (attendees of the arts festival) and/or based on environmental changes in its surroundings in real time. The RainCloud acts as a stage for performance, music, and education.  


On Saturday September 16  at 1pm there will be OHIO H20: Ohio Freshwater on a Global Scale panel discussion. We will be talking about the state of water locally, nationally, and globally. We will focus specifically in the areas of environmental protection, economics and industry, health and well being, and the future outlook of water.  At 8pm Puppets from Pilgrim Heidi of OpenHeartCreatures will perform Empathy Eyeball followed by Thunderstorm, an interactive  multimedia light performance by OBLSK.

Pilgrim Heidi of OpenHeartCreatures

Pilgrim Heidi of OpenHeartCreatures

Artist Involved with RainCloud:

  • Eve Warnock - eve has earned an MFA from the Digital Arts and New Media program at the University of California Santa Cruz. She has worked internationally with Puppet company Wakka Wakka productions, collaborated with artist Ann Hamilton, and designed the artistic elements of Limited Brands Co. marketing designs. She is co-founder of OBLSK, a creative agency made up of artists, inventors, and entrepreneurs, HERD, a researched based creation to explore herding behaviors in humans and animals, and she is the artistic consultant for LUDIKA, a collaborative art and game company rooted in science and play. Both her performative and sculptural work has been exhibited in galleries, museums, theaters, and opera houses, but she prefers the guerilla style of public street performances where it is free for all to attend.
  • Pelham Johnson - is a filmmaker, inventor, researcher, and artist.  He uses a combination of creativity, technical know-how, and a love for working collaboratively to create finely crafted moving art and media that tells a story with a purpose.
  • Aidan Seine - Aidan resides in L.A., California and made the journey to the midwest to help build the creation that is, RainCloud. He's well versed in interactive electronics that helps bring RainCloud to life.
  • Maxwell McEvoy - is a local sculptural and installation artist who has helped make the RainCloud become, what else, but an actual raincloud, though made out of polyfilm instead of nature.
  • Marque Reavley - is an application engineer and web developer who helped create the code that allows RainCloud to be interactive with participants that enter under the cloud creating the elements of a rainstorm like lighting and thunder.

Come have fun with the whole family this weekend and celebrate the independent culture, commerce, and creativty of the community that is Columbus, Ohio!